Friday, October 19, 2007

Session 9

It's almost Halloween, so I'm gonna talk about The Creepiest Movie Ever. Yes. It deserves capitalization. I'm not one for horror movies, mostly because I can't stomach blood and gore. So it literally took me months to get up the nerve to watch this movie. I was intrigued by the plot since it takes place in an abandoned mental asylum...and I'm fascinated by urban exploration and abandoned buildings for some reason.

That's Danvers. It's and ENORMOUS former mental asylum in Massachussetts. Basically, these HAZMAT guys are hired to get rid of asbestos in this old building. They start exploring and go crazy. I would to if I was stuck in that creepy, giant building.

See? You could pretty much not even have people in this movie and I'd be scared to death. That building is so damn creepy.

So things I liked about this movie:
-Scared me without having blood and guts thrown everywhere.
-Josh Lucas plays a good redneck asshole...much better than a pretty boy in a chick flick
-Brendan Sexton III...amazing as always. I love him and his films. Even if he does have a mullet in this movie.
-Is there ANYTHING creepier than those audio reels of old psychiatric exams of a girl with Multiple Personality Disorder?? Seriously. Watch it.

Things I didn't like about this movie:
-It's not for everyone. Either you love it or you hate it. A couple of my friends hated it. Just a warning.
-Don't watch it with idiot friends who think it's funny to call you in the middle of the night quoting Simon. Watch the movie and you'll know what I'm talking about.


Dan Barbour said...

A friend and I wanted to go to this place once for Halloween. Woulda been fun - but it didnt work out. Wanna go sometime?

Dan Barbour said...

okay, seriously, time to see another movie or at least update your blog!

(I check it every day or so!)