Friday, February 15, 2008

My Top 15 Movies (in no particular order)

This is my list of my top fifteen movies. The ones that I can (and do) watch over and over again, sometimes in one sitting. Pretty much no one agrees with me on any of these, but oh well, I like them.

Session 9:

It took me months to gather the courage to even watch this movie. The BOX scares the hell outta me. But something fascinates me about abandoned, old mental asylums. They're so creepy. And this was filmed in a real one, so I had to see it. It might not be the best movie ever, but it really does creep me out, even after watching it ten times.

Empire Records:
I just love this movie. It's probably one of the best "90's" movies there is. The 90's clothes, the 90's's just fun. And Lucas is probably one my favorite characters ever. Seriously, watch this movie and just TRY to not repeat lines from it for the rest of your life.

Welcome to the Dollhouse:

Welcome to the Dollhouse is my favorite movie ever. I love everything that director Todd Solondz does, but this one is definitely the best. People either love or hate the guy and his movies definitely aren't for everyone. I have honestly watched this movie three or four times in a row before. It never gets old. I probably have it memorized. It's just that amazing.

Okay, I know, I have a slight bias for this movie because David Bowie happens to be in it. HOWEVER, I did like this movie before I even knew who David Bowie was. You cannot beat 80's fantasy. You just can't. This movie is just timeless. Every kid should grow up on stuff like this.

Love, Ludlow:
I randomly watched this movie because my favorite actor, Brendan Sexton III, is in it. I try and watch everything that he is in. That is why five of his films are in my top 15 (Bonus points if anyone knows all five). He does AMAZING films and he's a phenomenal actor. I might be the only person on earth who has actually seen this movie. It's stayed relatively unknown since it's release in 2005. If you can get your hands on a copy, it's one of the few not-boring-as-hell independent films that feature only 3 characters.

A Perfect World:
It took me YEARS to track this movie down after I saw it at a slumber party in 6th grade. I know, not really a slumber party movie, but anyways, I saw it, loved it, and forgot the name. I finally tracked it down in high school on VHS and then bought the DVD when my brother (who doesn't watch movies much) stole my VHS. I dare anyone to watch this and not bawl like a baby.

Seriously, why don't they make movies like this anymore?? Oh right, a movie like this today would get SLAUGHTERED if they tried to release it. It requires a sick sense of humor, but trust me, it's worth it. Dead classmates, suicides, and school bombs have never been this funny. As Veronica puts it, "My teenage angst bullshit has a body count". That pretty much sums up the movie.

Jurassic Park:
My boyfriend is apparently the only person on earch that was born before 1993 and has not seen Jurassic Park. Don't worry, I'm working on that. I remember watching this is school in 3rd grade and having nightmares for a month. I still blame it for my abnormal fear of dinosaurs in the woods. Remember the days when they could show whatever movies they wanted to grade schoolers?? It might have given me nightmares, but this movie is a freakin classic! It still scares the hell outta me and makes me jump. I still get anxious when they're being chased. You can't help but get into this movie when you watch it.

Wow. Another great 90s film. Every kid and every parent should have to watch this movie. Although not together maybe. That could be really awkward. It's the most brutally honest, raw depiction of teenagers that I've ever seen on film.

One of the best dialogue-driven movies ever. I know, a lot of Clerks fans are idiots and/or nerds, but you have to admit, it's pretty funny and the dialogue is so well written. Unfortunately, Kevin Smith's films have slowly went downhill after Clerks. At least in my opinion. I liked Mallrats (although most people apparently didn't), didn't like Chasing Amy (although most people actually did), and I'm not even going to discuss Jersey Girl.

Boys Don't Cry
I finally got around to watching this movie last year. I can't believe I never picked it up before. Hilary Swank is amazing. Knowing that it is based on a true story makes some of the scenes even harder to bear. This is a hard film to watch, but well worth it.

Donnie Darko:
I wrote a paper on this movie for my college film class. Trust me, if you need to fill up three pages about a movie, this is the movie to do it on. You could write a book trying to explain the plot of Donnie Darko and probably still not get it. It ALMOST makes sense. Oh and watch the Director's cut. It makes more sense and it will save you all the hours of Internet research trying to figure some stuff out.

Bang Bang You're Dead:
Ben Foster is the god of acting. Right under Brendan Sexton III. I think this movie should be mandatory for students entering high school to watch. I make everyone I know watch my DVD of this. This is one of the most emotional, honest portrayals of school violence and bullying that I have ever seen.

The Ballad of Jack and Rose:
I wasn't expecting much when I popped this movie into my DVD player. Figured it would be kinda boring. It absolutely blew me away. I was glued to the screen. I did a review of it a few months back, so go check that out and watch it.

The NeverEnding Story:
Ah, 80s fantasy. I had a baby-sitter who had older kids, so even though I was really young in the 80s, we watched all these movies on VHS that were her kids. We must have watched this movie a hundred times. We'd watch it over and over and over.